Dec. 20, 2022

The Power of Microsoft Flip in Higher Ed

The Power of Microsoft Flip in Higher Ed

Microsoft Flip is a powerful tool that can be used in the higher education setting to facilitate collaboration, communication, and knowledge sharing among students and teachers.

When I began teaching at Rutgers University one of the first things I did was eliminate written discussion boards and turned all the prompts and out-of-class discussions into Flipgrids, as they used to be known. My college students have appreciated this format for participation and Flip was especially powerful during remote learning when I was teaching in 2020-2021.

Here are some potential ways that Microsoft Flip can be utilized in a higher education setting:

  1. Collaborative group projects: Microsoft Flip allows students to work together on group projects in real-time, even if they are not physically present in the same location. Students can use the tool to collaborate on documents, presentations, and other materials, and teachers can use it to provide feedback and guidance as the project progresses. For example, students can use Microsoft Flip to work on a group presentation together, with each member contributing their own slides and ideas. The teacher can then use the tool to provide feedback on the presentation and offer suggestions for improvement.

  2. Virtual office hours: Microsoft Flip can be used to facilitate virtual office hours, allowing students to connect with their professors and ask questions or seek guidance on assignments and coursework. Professors can use the tool to share their screens and demonstrate concepts or techniques, making it easier for students to understand and learn. For example, a student who is struggling with a particular assignment can use Microsoft Flip to connect with their professor during office hours and ask for guidance. The professor can then use the tool to share their screen and demonstrate how to complete the assignment, making it easier for the student to understand and learn.

  3. Virtual lectures and presentations: Microsoft Flip can be used to deliver virtual lectures and presentations to students, allowing professors to share their screens and present materials to a larger audience. This can be especially useful for online courses or for professors who are teaching remotely. For example, a professor who is teaching an online course can use Microsoft Flip to deliver a virtual lecture to their students, share their screen, and present slides or other materials. This can be a great way to ensure that students have access to the same quality of education, even if they are not physically present in the same location as the professor.

  4. Online discussion forums: Microsoft Flip can be used to facilitate online discussion forums, allowing students to engage in discussions with their peers and professors on a variety of topics related to their coursework. This can be a great way to foster critical thinking and encourage collaboration among students. For example, a teacher can use Microsoft Flip to facilitate a discussion forum for a course on literature, allowing students to share their thoughts and ideas on a particular book or topic. The teacher can then use the tool to provide feedback and guidance on the discussions, helping students to think more critically about the material.

Microsoft Flip is a versatile and powerful tool that can be used in a variety of ways to enhance the learning experience in the higher education setting. Facilitating collaboration, communication, and knowledge sharing, can help students and teachers to connect and engage with one another in a meaningful way, even when they are not physically present in the same location. Whether it is being used for collaborative group projects, virtual office hours, virtual lectures and presentations, or online discussion forums, Microsoft Flip can help to create a more dynamic and interactive learning environment for students and teachers alike. In today's increasingly connected world, tools like Microsoft Flip are becoming increasingly important for facilitating education and learning, and it is important for educators to be aware of and make use of the many benefits that these tools can offer.

What are some additional ways you use Flip in your higher ed classes? Leave a comment below.